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Individual Safety

A Safe Environment

To get the best of the meetings and email discussions you need to be honest and tell us enough details so that we can give informed opinions. What you say will not go any further[] This is why we have a privacy policy. We need to know but do not judge you.

What people say can cause strong emotional feelings. Be kind to others but also understand that things might be said that you do not like or might make you feel upset. We do not set out to upset people but sometimes a change in your behaviour is what is needed to achieve the best outcome for your children.

Any discussion is two way so feel empowered to ask why people are saying things.

Please be aware that many that you will be speaking to are emotionally delicate, so avoid doing anything that might harm them.

If things go wrong

We all sometimes say things that are a bit over the top. We are human.

If it is you who does this: have the grace to apologise if someone complains.

If someone offends you: say so, point out what is wrong; then be magnanimous and accept the apology. If matters are not resolved complain to a member of our senate.

[] We will disclose matters: ① where we are legally obliged to, eg: when ordered to by a court; and ② where we believe that there is a safety issue or threat and harm could result if we do not act.